How to Invest in Apartment Buildings | A Comprehensive Guide “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate.” -Andrew Carnegie You may have heard that real estate is the best path to obtaining wealth, and apartments are one of the best ways. Obviously, you cam to that conclusion as well, or you […]

10 Mistakes to Avoid in Multi-Unit Real Estate Investing | RR “Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined. The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate.” – Andrew Carnegie If […]

Charlie Munger is 96 years old, and over the century that he has been alive, he has developed a lot of wisdom that he freely shares with us. He has delivered many quotes in his book, Poor Charlie’s Almanac, and continues to share information today. Here are 23 of the greatest Charlie Munger quotes about […]

Phil Fisher’s 15 Points to Look For In Common Stock | Rentals and Realtors One of the most common questions when choosing investments in the stock market is, “How do I know if a company is a good choice for growth?” Many people get distracted with charts, misinformation, and other sources on Wall Street. Others […]

How does minimum wage affect prices? This is a question that has been debated for years, and is still a major debate today. Should we raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour? Should we keep it the same? Should we even have one? In order to understand the answer to this question, you need […]

It’s a common question for new business owners to ask when they just want to ensure that they are doing things right: “What is a reasonable profit margin for a small business?” A profit margin is one of the many financial metrics used to evaluate a business, either for investment purposes, or for a business […]

This MFA Financial stock analysis will be conducted through the following comparisons and valuations to determine if it is a good buy or not: Industry Annual Report Balance Sheet Strength Income Statement Price & Dividend History Comparison to Industry Valuation Forbearance Overall Analysis MFA Financial is an internally managed Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) with […]

The Snowball was an intriguing book written by Alice Schroeder to help reveal a bit more of Warren’s personal side, and give the public a look into a side that was rarely seen. The Snowball shows the life of Warren Buffett, and how his investments compounded to become the legend of business he is today. […]

Warren Buffett is undoubtedly the greatest stock market investor in the history of business. It seems like he has kept a very simple philosophy, and has done extremely simple things to get this far. In order to get to the bottom of how he made it through simple things, we need to understand more about […]

Warren Buffett took Berkshire Hathaway from a failing textile mill to the behemoth holding company we know of today. But after all of this growth, why doesn’t Berkshire Hathaway pay dividends to its shareholders? Berkshire Hathaway doesn’t pay dividends for a number of reasons, the primary reason being that investors agreed that Buffett would use […]
